About us
TRIXIN is an ERC-20 Smart Contract deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet. Building a strong community is our goal for developing this project, because it is a community token.
TRIXIN seeks to encourage and bring new investors to the Ethereum Mainnet, since gas fees tend to be high, TRIXIN keeps its tax as low as possible, charging a mere 3% per transaction. We also want to create a safe and secure trading space, so all liquidity will be locked once it is added to the contract.
3% fee goes to marketing and development purposes. The team has designated a budget for the development of the project and to have big presence on socials.
How to buy?
🎃 Create a Crypto Wallet using either a desktop computer or an iOS/Android mobile device.
👻 Connect your wallet to UniSwap. Access your wallet to UniSwap by clicking ‘Connect to a wallet’ and selecting your wallet.
🍭 Send ETH to your wallet. You can buy Ethereum (ETH) directly on MetaMask or transfer it to your MetaMask or Trust Wallet from exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, etc. Make sure to use the ERC-20 network when transfering ETH.
🍬 Enter the amount you want to buy and swap away! Remember to have enough ETH for gas fees!
Phase 1 2023
Website Launch
Create Telegram Community
Fair Launch & Liquidity locked
Ownership renounced
$2M Marketcap
1,000 Holders
Listing on CoinGecko & CoinMarketCap
Phase 2 2023
$10M Market Cap
2,500 holders
Additional Paid media
Influencers partnership (Youtube)
Recruit more Developers
Secure Partnerships
Phase 3 2023
Centralized Exchange listings
Website Redesign
Additional Token releases
Ecosystem development
Token Airdrops
Marketing and Social Campaigns